Bordeaux, France 14 - 18 October 2024



Workshop costs include Hotel & breakfast, Lunch and cocktail.


  • FREE for CNRS employees (PhD / Postdoc / research scientist / engineer)
  • PhD / postdoc non-CNRS 300€
  • Academics non-CNRS 400€
  • Industry 1500€
  • Local PhD / postdoc non-CNRS (no hotel) 100€

1st step (before the 17th may 2024)

The Application comprises 3 items in pdf format 

Please fill an online form and submit the 3 items here

30 participants will be chosen based on the application. Please specify in the CV, the technique(s) you use and your main interests. Incomplete applications will not be considered. Applications will be considered in the order of their reception.

An email will inform you whether the application has been successful. 

For all registration-related questions, please get in touch with Birgit Habenstein (

2nd step (after validation of your aplication by the organizing committee - from 17th to 24th may 2024)

After successful application inscription and payment are required via Azur Colloque here

Registration procedure (Azur colloque) :

- It is imperative to go through the whole procedure to be correctly registered and in particular to pay. It is not possible to go back.

- payment methods: purchase orders, bank transfers, cheques

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